Thursday, July 24, 2008

We may have a solution

This past June was our annual condo association meeting, which I always attend. Our building manager asked me to stay to the end so he could talk to me afterwards. Turns out that the BHA case worker for our building, Joei Sanchez, came to meet specifically with me. He told me that he "does not like TD at all and wants to remove her from our building, but they need documented evidence that they have violated a rule, broken a law or weren't good neighbors" and if I could help him with obtaining that then TD and TDA would be immediately transfered out of our building.

It's as if God himself finally joined the fight and said "These people don't deserve this. Let me offer them my services." One of my pet peeves in our building, which does not have a concierge or security guard is the propping of our entry ways and leaving them unattended. We live in a city where lots of strange traffic wanders by at all hours. It's so selfish and unsafe to put your neighbors at risk, just because you don't want to use your key one extra time or you forgot your keys and are running three blocks down to the store. I'm vigilant about closing it every time I see it being a victim of a attempt to break into our condo after personally fighting with a contractor over it one afternoon. Thankfully the dog scared the potential criminal. TD herself has also had a mentally challenged woman from our neighborhood wind up outside her door after wandering in when she saw an open entry way. TD was apparently so scared she went to a condo association meeting to tell the community how we needed to improve security.

One Sunday morning the whole family leaves to walk the dog and the door is propped. I close it. We come back and it's propped again. I close it. I run down to the mail room and see it open. I prop it again. I hear TD's door close (they slam it every time as another ploy to annoy us) and the entrance door open. I immediately hear TD's door slam again. I put two and two together. I look outside and see it propped. I close it. Around Noon I get a knock on the door. It's a stranger asking me for tools because a woman is stuck in our elevator. I grab some stuff and run downstairs. I see the door propped. I ask a woman standing next to it if she needed it. She said "Oh no I was about to close it. That's unsafe." The woman in the elevator called the fire department. When they arrived I got the door open. Amongst the commotion I look up to see TD and TDA by the door where they have this conversation.

TDA: "What's going on here?"

TD: "Oh no. Well. Ummmmm...What are we going to do about the door?"

TDA: "Call and tell him he'll have to get buzzed in" NOTE: Getting buzzed in is the proper procedure. You push a button. You get buzzed in. Not very complicated.

I knew it was them. I called our building supervisor and asked him if he could look at our security cameras to see if they were propping. I also mentioned that there was a Poland Spring delivery of multiple cases of bottled water in our foyer that was broken into so could he check to see who did that. Seriously people. You steal from your neighbors? Did you not know that you were on camera? Idiots.

Turns out that TD and TDA were caught red handed. Bingo. We have our evidence. It also turns out that the door was being propped for a guy who walked in with a toolbox. Apparently he couldn't pull off the open the door while holding toolbox trick. This guys also felt it was OK to STEAL the friggen water as he opened one of the cases and grabbed a few bottles, but he ended up dropping them when he saw a resident coming. What a piece of shit. On top of that another section 8 housing resident actually stole an entire case of water in that time frame. If that friend of TD and TDA's is a piece of shit then this resident is an ungrateful piece of shit. I always thought he was a nice guy. Now I refuse to speak to him. He needs to be removed too. Stay tuned.

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