Thursday, July 24, 2008

A new beginning

Fast forward to the Summer of 2006 when all of this begins to get really interesting. Mrs Giro and I have a baby. We couldn't be any more excited and terrified by the new challenge facing us. Two days after returning from the hospital Mrs G gets an infection and we're in the emergency room for a good portion of the day stabilizing her and coming up with a plan since the issue involved her being unable to breast feed anymore, which was caught us off guard and not exactly how we planed weening the baby off over the course of a year. Naturally after childbirth you get on edge over the slightest sign of immunity which resulted in our tension level was a tad high. To add to the stress it was the baby's coming out party for the extended family so we had a bunch of people sitting around a party waiting for the guest of honor, where in reality we had twenty sets of baby holding arms to take advantage of so we could get a break. I made the run to the pharmacy, after the ER discharge, to grab a couple of things and since it was an emergency the pharmacy was quite sympathetic and rushed the order through. When I picked up the prescription the pharmacist's aide was doing her job and walking me through everything so that I could properly explain it to Mrs Giro. While this was occurring I heard these rather loud and frustrating sighs behind me, which was obviously being directed towards me and the aide. I turned around because I was about to lose it and go on a verbal tirade triggered by my obvious disdain for ignorance and selfish behavior. Low and behold it was TDA and bringing up the rear was TD. TD asks "Hun, what's the problem?" to which TDA responds (this is not a lie) "Well if the numbnuts Punjabi over here could move a little faster then I wouldn't have to be waiting here." Two reaction options crossed my mind. 1. Say "Fuck you you selfish piece of shit. Wait your turn like everybody else. Nobody wants to be in this line because it's never for a good reason so show some fucking respect." or 2. look, breathe, ignore. I chose option 2. However, this is the moment that changed it all for me. It's as if they knew I discovered they were complete jerks outside of the isolation of our personal issue and that by outing them I was slowly but surely getting under their facade, which they didn't want me to know about. From that point on their anger turned to flat out hate.

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